Will also got to meet some family he had never met. We went to Matt and Jennifer's new house. They just moved home from Texas and are expecting three boys at the end of January. We also went to Ryan and Jessica's new house in Spartenburg on the way home. They live across the street from a lake in a beautiful area. We got a picture of them with Will. It sure was nice to be with family this weekend...especially Really Great Uncle Don. :)
After 22 years of living in their home, Aunt Winnie and Uncle Don have sold it and are moving in to a wonderful patio home. They will be closing on Wednesday. I know they will be emotional about leaving their house, especially since they raised their boys there, but we were also sad to leave their house. We sort of grew up there, too. There were many a Johnson/Clary Thanksgiving Olympic games held there. Who knew how far a plunger would really go when you threw it? Who was able to get the tennis ball all the way over the house to their partner? Those were the days.
So, we said good-bye to our dear friend the Clary house. It was a great place to be for many, many years. We are very happy for them though that they will be getting something that fits their lives now.
So, that's it. Our road trip was a success. We were pooped when we got home, and glad to be back with Daddy, but we were so glad we went. Now on to our busy week!! :)
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