Saturday I hosted a Discovery Toys party. I had a few friends from my Sunday School class come and my mom and mother-in-law came, too. From all the sales, I was able to get $70 in free toys!! I got Will some great things for his first birthday...which is in just a little over 2 months!!
Myra went to the Kidsignment sale on the last day when they mark things half off. She got this baseball game there for $2.50. I saw it at Wal-Mart yesterday for almost $18, so not a bad deal...and it is in GREAT condition. I cleaned it really well, and Will seems to really like it.
Yesterday Nana, Granddad, and Aunt Abigail came to church with us. Then they took Will home with them to play for the afternoon. After his nap, Granddad, Aunt Abigail, and Gus took him to Collins Hill Park. Abigail and Gus walked the trail and Granddad took Will to the playground. They had a great time.
Starting next Monday, I am going to be watching a little girl in our neighborhood named Iris. She is almost 3 months old. Her mom is going to bring her 2 days for the next two weeks to get her used to coming and then 3 weeks from today, she will be here five days a week. We are looking forward to having her here with us!! It will be fun to have a "little" baby in the house again.
And if I didn't mention it before, Will is WALKING now. He was just taking up to 8 and 10 steps, but now he is really walking. He can even turn around without falling down. He still can't stand from a sitting position without holding on to something, but once he is up, he is on the move. He walks with one hand up in the air. It is so funny!! Oh, my baby is growing up!!
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