Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The table is for eating...

Before Will came...and even until VERY recently, Brad and I have eaten our meals in the den. This is a bad habit, but most people I know do this. Now that Boo-boo is eating "human" food, I feel it is important to show him that we use the kitchen table for eating our meals. His high chair is right next to the table, and we pull it next to the table like he is sitting there, too.

Every morning for the past three months, he has watched from his high chair as Annsley climbs onto the bench and eats her breakfast. After taking her to school this morning, I guess he wanted to sit in that spot. He climbed onto the bench and was waiting for something to eat, I guess. I don't think he liked it when I took him from the table to his room for a nap! :)

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