If you are wondering what is going on in this picture, let me explain. Last night Boo-boo got tired of wearing his pants...sorry, Nana and Aunt Abigail...and so he pulled them off while riding his lion. Then I guess his feet were hot, so he rolled both of his socks down, too. I think he was trying to show off his cankles...have you ever seen cankles like that? Haha!
Later when Daddy got home, they were playing with Will's lion, and Daddy decided to let Toby go for a ride. Will thought that was hysterical...he loves his brother Toby so much!!
Last night Will also decided he wanted to start clapping...and he thinks that is hysterical, too. Probably because we clap and yell, "yeah" when he does it. :)
Will also learned yesterday how to click his tongue on the roof of his mouth, so that is the new thing he does while walking around the house.
I didn't get a picture, but Will had his first bloody nose the other day. He was running in the hall and fell and bumped his nose on the hardwoods. When I picked him up he put his head on my shoulder. When he lifted it, both nostrils were bleeding. Poor little guy!!
And lastly, Will had spaghetti again for dinner last night. He normally is not messy with his food, but he kept letting a little come out of his mouth and then he would rub his face. Good thing Annsley was here to grab the camera for me while I held his hand down. What a nut!! Happy 11-month birthday, Boo-boo!! I love you.
1 comment:
there is nothing more precious as cankles...and only a mother can love them!!!!
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